Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

nearly 39 wks

Huge, tired, losing weight from sleeping so much. I mean A LOT. On my left side. Baby moving vigorously and purposely so clearly not ready to get on the launching pad, never mind the gantry. OB appt on Thursday, wt. 164, bp 120/54, urine trace of protein (lowest level, per previous weeks). Next. appt. 2:50 Thursday, March 26. Then the following Monday, 3/30 is 40 weeks.


2012New said...

Thursday the 26th is my DD's birthday! Good luck. Please keep posting!

Marina said...


I've been following your blog, and am wishing you relief from the exhaustion, and all the very best.

You're an inspiration. It may not feel that way, but you are.
Take care and please do keep us posted on your health and your new baby.