Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

yesterday was 15 weeks

I still think I should be huger!! I've been wearing maternity clothes for a few weeks and remain grateful it's not 1988 when the choices were big navy blousy dresses with minnie mouse collars and crazy bows. Remember that? I never succumbed to the bizarre on-beyond-Farrah hair wings, having fairly unruly Armenian hair, but remember the '80s fondly only for the fact that I had a metabolism a dragonfly would envy and have no recollection of eating any meal before midnight.

so, yes, pregnant. Probably should have gotten to this in my 20s, or even my 30s, but 42 was my first child. I have a hard time believing everything's okay. I can't wait to feel this baby swimming around (20 weeks?). And I'm hungry all the time. That's the theme. All I want to eat is Korean food and kim chi and spicy, flavored stuff. It's REALLY strange because I'm someone who could, and has, eaten ice cream EVERY day and I have no desire for anything sweet. I seem to need to eat every two hours.

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