Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Monday, October 27, 2008

checking out

As I assess my life (5 year old, f/t WAHJob, elected official) I find that it is time to withdraw from certain environments. I had been working at a local lfoundation that was so clueless about its role in the community, and where the people making decisions were actually contemptuous of the local community, I reached a tipping point and bailed a month ago. At this point, I am only, ONLY, spending time with institutions that have a stake in my mostly-impoverished small city. We have a lot of poor kids here and kids who are poor in family stability. Tonight I realized it was time to check out of another nonprofit where I had been the newsletter person, subcommittee innovator of record. So I will be making my announcement this week to the folks in charge. As someone who has extreme longevity in my worklife (my primary freelance client for my text-writing I've been working for since age 18!) realizing that some places aren't worth helping anymore is a big realization. Fortunately, I have been working/saving/living frugally for years so we can make these decisions about PITA jobs as well as PITA volunteer things. I urge anyone reading this who's doing something out of obligation to some unstated ideal or habit to bail! Something better will come along....

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