Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

30th high school reunion

I went w/2 friends w/whom I've had continuous contact since high school. I was the only pregnant woman there although one classmate had a 3.5 year old. I really love these gettogethers and only wish I had more energy for visiting. I keep telling myself exhaustion is a result of having a 5 year old running around OUTSIDE instead of a 4month fetus rolling around INSIDE. 48 is a strange not-old, not-young moment and if this is middleage I better get to 96....
My idea of heaven currently is a coke, a bag of potato chips and hours in bed listening to the BBC. My hours are turning into those of a morning person but I have never yet in my life sprung out of bed first thing. At this point, I'm rollingl and hoisting....(the scale has been banished)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still can't get over this pregnancy of yours. Which I think is fantastic! And yet - it makes me so very very tired for you.

Here's wishing you lots and lots of energy!

Thanks for sharing your blog with me.