Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The road ahead

I have always been slightly confused about interpreting dates -- for myself that is. My primary occupation is that of spiritual advisor, or, it's traditional title: astrologer. The second-oldest profession, actually. It helped pay for this house and over time my realname has expanded in the world, but I have had a TERRIBLE time figuring out EXACTLY what date it is re: this pregnancy. Today is week 16. So I have completed my 4th month and starting my 5th month. So the baby has developed inner ear organs, fingernails and is now just basically growing instead of growing crucial parts.

This I didn't understand yesterday. I read a chapter on pre-natal development 4th month and figured I was starting on that. wrong, wrong, wrong. But it does explains why I am now photographing on the huge side.

I am outgrowing PJ bottoms so if anyone is reading this (I don't know why anyone should, I've only made one small public post on the pregnancy stories over age 40 site, send some!

Seriously, though I am tired a lot. Part of this is having a small child. Even though CT's in school 6 hours a day -- it's not enough time for me to do my work and tidy.

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