Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

a new president

When Nixon was elected I was sad because I knew he was the Vietnam War president. I was happy when Carter was elected, because Jerry Ford seemed accidental in so many ways. Ronald Reagan's election was literally scary. I was coming out of a club with my mucholder boyfriend after having seen the Roche Sisters, which was really lovely and people were talking on the sidewalk about Reagan and how he was going to bomb everything. GHWBush was worrying, but Mondale was so dull. And besides, that was the year before I got sober and moved very very far away. Clinton's election was great, the one bright spot in an otherwise rainy and cold fall which found me between professions for the first time in my professional life. The election of Bush 2 was appalling. We were living in the midwest and to watch the returns, and to know many many people who voted for the conartist idiot was scary. We've been in that mode for awhile. Kerry didn't seem to care and he did not project the optimism that Barack did and although I voted for Hillary in the primaries (having waiting since 1992 to vote for her for something!), it was great voting for Obama. And knowing many other different people did.

Bring on the peace, man.

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