Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

food poisoning and tests...

What a total pain this week hsa been. i've been out w/food poisoning since Wednesday, missign all kinds of essential activities. The consult w/the ob/gyn was about the coloscopy to be done on June 24. They'll take cells and then biopsy and then if cels are malignant it's a more invasive procedure. Frankly, I'm scared and completely helpless in this. Worse, baby V. is nursing every 2 hours on the overnight. I haven't made love w/my husband in months and months and we've been in separate bedrooms to survive the infant hours. I'm tired and spiritually hungover and irritated at many people for their incompetence in matters they probably don't even know they're incompetent in.

The baby is now 90th percentile, and pretty huge for 10 weeks. Smiling a lot and really sweet and I love it but I'm behind on a book project and many many other things. I am not someone who does things by halves and I could seriously use an au pair right now....

1 comment:

2012New said...

I love the line "irritated at many people for their incompetence in matters they probably don't even know they're incompetent in." I feel that is most of the people I work with!!!

Don't worry about the test. I am sure all will be fine.

P.S...more pictures