Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Monday, May 4, 2009

between the edges

V. is 5 weeks old which officially means I have not slept more than 6 hours for 5 weeks (the last week of pregnancy, I know I slept two nites past six hours). So I'm mostly dazed and dropping things (not her, her I clutch) and concentrating when I drive and really making the most of my daily cup of coffee. And remembering the things I loved to eat during my last 2 months of pregnancy, none of which exert a pull anymore.

I loved:
Starbucks mints
fresh fallen snow
Finnish crisp bread
sharp cheddar
potato chips

Now it's all chocolate icecream...

1 comment:

2012New said...

isabelleSophronia - when I see pictures of this beautiful baby - I can feel my heart move - it is unbelievable! You are so so blessed!

Thank you so much for sharing!

Here I go with another question - pre-pregnancy (V.) were your cycles any different after you had your son? I wondering if my hormones ever went back to what they were before I had my DD.