Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

a reader wrote in March

Hi Isabelle,

I tried to post the following on your blog, but am having computer issues. Would you be so kind to do it for me.

Many thanks, and may God Bless.

Hi Isabelle,
Jan gave me your link. I just turned 46 when I found out I was pregnant. We have been thinking of giving our 23 month old a sibling for a few months now. At my DS last check up, I asked the doctor about getting pregnant. She said I;d better get to it if it was going to happen and advised I should stop BF. I got pregnant as soon as I could over the Christmas/New Year holidays. I found out a whole week before AF was due that I was pregnant.
I wish you all the best with your upcoming labour and delivery and thank you for sharing your story here.
newone, I pray you get pregnant soon and your daughter will be a big sister soon. My story is here http://46andpregnant-kim.blogspot.com/

Kim that's great. Fabulous you could get pregnant within 2 years. As for me, I'm grateful my son is 5 b/c he is a super big brother and surprisingly useful for which we are grateful when we can't open the darn door ourselves...(carseat, groceries, sling and the diaper bag etc...)

I just read all your entries and it took me back. We decided against CVS and Amnio and all that stuff and I wonder whether incidence of girls is higher w/riper moms. September 26 -- you get to be pregnant in the summer which I found a GREAT time to be pregnant because you can be outside and running around. The best part is not having to wear socks in the 9th month. Putting on socks was the most timeconsuming thing I did in 3rd Tri.


2012New said...

Isabelle and Kim - thanks for the positive post!

Happy Mother's Day to all.

P.S. Kim - thanks I will now be checking your blog!!! Again, I am looking for all of the positive stories I can get. Too many negative stats for women our age...

Kim said...

I hear you on the negative stats. Even my doctor wasn't hopeful, but I sure showed her!

I'd like to wish you a belated happy Mother's Day.

I just read some of the older posts, and Isabelle may be on to something. I know how hard it is to volunteer when you work full time, but I used to do quite a bit after work. I don't know where your skills lie, but there are lots of organizations that need coaches or mentors for after school and evening programs. And if that's not doable, maybe something on the weekend? I used to take my children to church regularly twice a week. They were always in classes on Sundays and Wednesdays. The people that run these classes can always use more help, and there are always needy children in the group. I always felt blessed that I did not want for anything. My girls used to lose their jackets, sweaters and mittens regularly. When they went to look for them later, they never could find them. I always assumed that someone else needed them more than my kids did.

Anyway, I've ramble on enough. I'm sorry that DH is being negative, but you may just have to not say anything for it to stop. I really do hope that God blesses you with one more child.

My first 2 were 6 years apart. The 6 year old doted on her sister constantly and just loved her to bits, still does. They played together and were playmates when they weren't tormenting each other.

Good luck.

Kim said...

oh, one last thing,

What about fostering a child? Would that be something you could do?