Due late March, 2009. Still surprised.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 am, sometime recently. Or was it 3?

who knows...gotta love it. thank god I don't have to handle heavy machinery. and this is after an hour of fun!


2012New said...

I love seeing this little baby girl - so, so perfect! You have no idea how much hope it gives me - thank you so much! Even my own mother tells me to be happy with the one I have...she doesn't get it. She has 5 children! That's half of my problem, I took my fertility for granted and waited until the bitter end to start. I figured I'm from a large family, no big deal. Infertility, was the furthest thing on my mind. Even after my DD was born - never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this issue. How naive could I have been?

But I still have hope that it will happen - my husband thinks I am wasting my time..."that ship has sailed" he constantly tells me. I am constantly looking for clues, anything that will help. One thing I did find this weekend on the net that had me thinking., Once I finished BF my DD I noticed that my AF was lighter than before, the same 28 day cycle but lighter. I mentioned this to several RE and their comments were - "that happens sometimes." This condition could be linked to low estrogen or some other hormonal imbalance. Of course I start playing out the scenario if they just gave me a boast of estrogen, I might have my baby...instead of telling me my only hope was IVF...

isabelleSophronia - I may have asked before (I apologize for repeating myself). Did your cycles return to what they were before you had your son? I know that I never returned to pre-baby AF(I know TMI)...so frustrated with myself and past choices....I have cramps now so I know what is coming...

isabelleSophronia said...

I got my period exactly 3 months after giving birth to my son, and it was the same as before, although sometimes lighter and it went from 3 fulldays to 2. I never had breakthru bleeding I don't think and I generally had 28-29.5 day cycles. Sometime when my son was 3 (?) I had a 32 day cycle which made me idiotically hopeful but of course started bleeding after that.

As I think I mentioned, I took vitex for a while...it might have been some 6 months and that definitely affected cervical mucous.

btw, I just read that susan boyle's mother was 47 when Susan was born, the last of a pile of kids...Are you taking vitex or anything?

And tell your husband to stop being so effing negative. You may want to take the second-child off the conversational topic table to get that to happen however.


Work with needy children.


That's what I did....

2012New said...

Thanks. Did you BF your son?

I'm taking Fertility Blend, which has Vitex in it. Maybe I'm better off taking Vitex by itself.

Interesting to note your cycles changed a little, but still didn't stop you from having your DD.

I hear the thing about working with needy kids. Not sure how I can do that working full-time....but I have heard that helps from others.

isabelleSophronia said...

Hi, I hear you about working fulltime...For me, the kids I ended up spending time with were kids I came across in daily life....plus there were pregnant women around too. I think that helps, though it can be painful when you want to be pregnant too.

I BF until 18 months; 7 months exclusively. I never got much from fertility blend....