places where the 24-hour clock doesn't make any sense is where we are. If you are pregnant and hoping to breast feed (for first time or again) GET AN ELECTRIC PUMP. V. had difficulty sucking b/c of an extended frenulum, which was snipped on day 2, but we still had time to make up while my milk came in. It took about a week to get the classic breast milk -- what I produced hitherto was more in the colostrum range, but I think it was frustrating for her. On day 5 we got an electric breast pump and I went from .25 oz. per breast per pump to, last night, no joke, 4 oz. per breast. needless to say, I'm sore but we have plenty of food for her now. I'm really proud that the last time she had ANY formula (3 doses in her life) was March 31. I think it made her constipated. This is not to say that formula = bad parenting, just that an electric breast pump could get milk out of the venus de milo. Still sleeping in 3 hour shifts. I haven't had 8/9 hours continuous sleep for about 3 months thanx to illnesses and bladder pressure from 3rd tri.
I plan to stay home as long as possible. Fortunately, I work at home so it's just a case of saying nocan'tsorrynexttimeanother time to the myriad other things I do that I'm expected at. . .